What is Periodontal Disease and How Can You Treat It?

What is Periodontal Disease and How Can You Treat It?

July 1, 2021

When you have subpar dental hygiene practices, you put your oral health at risk. Poor brushing and hygiene practices can cause decay, gum irritation, and inflammation. Plaques, if not removed, can accumulate and harden to form tartar (the primary cause of periodontal disease).

Professional cleaning is the best way to remove the accumulated tartar. However, it is not a treatment of periodontal disease, but more of a preventive measure.

When you have gum disease, getting periodontal disease treatment is a more recommended option. But, before you do that, it is important to know what gum disease is and how you can identify it.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease affects the gingivae, the soft tissues, and the bone that supports the teeth. This disease develops in stages, starting with inflammation.

  • Gingivitis 

Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums is the first stage of gum disease and it usually reversible. A dentist near you can recommend a deep cleaning, antibiotics as a treatment to reverse the infection. The problem with gingivitis is that it can easily go unnoticed because it does not cause any obvious symptoms. If it’s not addressed on time, the infection can advance to periodontitis.

  • Periodontitis 

This advanced gum disease affects more than just the gums and can damage the supporting bone. The infection can affect the alveolar bone and cause the weakening of the teeth. Furthermore, the disease can cause gum pockets that tend to trap food particles and bacteria that can affect the teeth.

How Can You Tell You Have Gum Disease?

In the initial stages, you will not have any obvious symptoms, but as the gum disease advances, you will begin to develop symptoms. The signs of gum infection include:

  • Puffy, swollen, and tender gums 
  • Red or purplish gums
  • Gum bleeding 
  • Bad breath 
  • Pus in your gums 
  • Pain when chewing
  • Loose teeth 
  • Receding gums

What Are the Treatment Options for Gum Disease?

The form of periodontal treatment in Pleasant Hill used by the dentist will depend on the stage of the periodontal disease.

  • Deep cleaning 

Professional teeth cleaning involves the removal of plaque buildup from the gum line. The dentist will use a small mirror and a scaler to scrape out the tartar from underneath and between the gums. This process, however, is ideal if you are in the early stages of gum disease and gum pockets are not present. 

  • Medication

Since periodontal disease is caused by bacterial infection, antibiotics are the best form of treatment. The dentist will recommend mouthwash, gels, and oral medication to get rid of the disease-causing bacteria and prevent further damage.

  • Root planing 

When you have gum pockets and receding gums, the dentist will perform root planning. This is cutting the gums and reattaching them to the teeth to reduce gum recession.

  • Pocket reduction procedure

When you have deep gum pockets, flap surgery may the best option. The procedure resembles the root planing a little, but the dentist may reshape and smoothen the bones to make close the gaps that can allow bacteria.

  • Soft tissue and bone graft 

Loss of gum tissue causes the gums to recede while advanced gum disease causes bone loss. Grafting can help correct and stimulate new bone and tissue growth. For soft tissue graft, the dentist will remove a small amount of tissue from the top of the mouth or cheek and attached it to the affected area. 

Bone grafting involves the use of bone granules from the hip or a cadaver to stimulate new bone growth.

How Much Does Periodontal Treatment Cost?

The cost of gum disease will differ based on the type of treatment and procedure done and the severity of the disease. On average gum disease treatment will range between $500 to $10,000. Several dental insurances can cover part of the periodontal surgery.

How to Prevent Gum Disease?

Gum disease is preventable by having proper dental practices and using the right bruising techniques. Furthermore, visit the dentist in Pleasant Hill regularly for cleaning at least twice a year to get rid of tartar. 

Schedule an Appointment 

Visit Grafton Dental for more information on the different periodontal treatments and which one is suitable for you.

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