Temporary Filling After a Root Canal: Purpose and Aftercare

Temporary Filling After a Root Canal: Purpose and Aftercare

July 1, 2023

Temporary dental fillings after root canal therapy help to seal a tooth hole. It prevents the bacteria and food bits from reaching the vacant area and triggers further dental issues. These fillings are manufactured using materials such as glass ionomer and zinc phosphate cement. The patient may require temporary filling for several weeks or even more.

What is a Temporary Filling?

A temporary dental filling near you is a non-permanent structure useful to regain the functionality of a damaged tooth. As the name implies, it does not stay for longer.

Purpose of a Temporary Filling

The dentist places a temporary filling till he/she replaces it with the permanent one.

Uses of Temporary Fillings

The dentist uses temporary dental fillings for the following reasons:

If Your Cavity Needs a Crown

When the dental professional finds a cavity or cavities in your mouth that requires a dental crown, he/she uses a temporary filling.

For Emergency Treatment of Painful Cavities

The emergency dentist near Rodgers-Smith Park might also use a temporary filling as an emergency cavity treatment. For example, if your cavity causes unbearable pain, the professional places a temporary filling.

As a Medicated Dental Filling for Sensitive Tooth Nerves

If the dentist finds sensitive tooth nerves, he/she places a temporary medicated filling. It lets the tooth heal before the placement of a permanent filling.

Cover a Vacant Tooth Space After a Root Canal

After performing a root canal procedure, the dentist prefers installing a temporary dental filling. It seals the vacant tooth space, which prevents bacterial buildup inside the mouth and other dental issues.

To Perform Dental Procedure Across Multiple Visits

The temporary filling takes much less time to place in the mouth and eliminate when compared to a permanent filling. This feature allows the professional to work on your teeth comfortably across several dental visits. It takes some time for the temporary dental filling to dry and set in its place.

How Long Will a Temporary Filling Last After a Root Canal?

After six weeks, the patient needs to revisit the dental office for refilling.

Aftercare of a Temporary Filling

Unlike a regular dental filling, a temporary filling comes out much more easily. Therefore, to make sure it stays in its position till your next dental visit, the dentist will give you some aftercare tips to follow:

Take Extra Care While Flossing and Brushing

Everyday flossing and brushing create some challenges for patients with a newly placed temporary filling. While it is ok to brush the filled-out tooth the same way you brush your remaining teeth. However, it is not the same case with flossing. When the edge of the filing is near the tooth edge, your floss may get stuck near the filling edge. It makes the temporary filling lose.

While flossing and brushing, make sure you take the following precautionary measures:

  • Brush your teeth gently.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Rather than pulling the floss up and down, try to pull it out of the side and between the teeth. It will prevent you from disturbing your temporary filling.

Avoid these Foods and Drinks

It is common many times a day to forget about ​dental filling in Pleasant Hill while eating or chewing. So avoid:

  • Spicy foods.
  • Hard and crunchy foods like chewing gum, nuts, etc.
  • Sticky foods like toffee, peanut butter, etc.
  • Extremely cold and hot foods and drinks.

Chew Carefully and Gently

Most temporary dental fillings can handle gentle chewing. After the dentist places a temporary filling, he/she suggests waiting till the anesthesia has worn off.

It is pivotal to avoid chewing with the side of your mouth with the temporary filling till he/she replaces it with the permanent one. It will ensure your filling remains intact while making you comfortable.

Do Not Disturb the Filling

Keep your tongue away from the newly set filling as much as possible. Otherwise, it will become loose. When dealing with a root canal, the dental professional at Grafton Dental prefers a temporary filling rather than a permanent restoration.

Speak to Your Dentist or Orthodontist for Other Aftercare Tips

Generally, the dentist will try to minimize the amount of time you have temporary dental filling in your mouth. For more tips, call ​a local dentist in your area today.

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