Here Is Why Adults Also Need Fluoride Treatments?

Here Is Why Adults Also Need Fluoride Treatments?

May 1, 2022

Fluoride treatment is an important part of dental health that helps prevent tooth decay in children. This treatment is not a necessity when an adult visits the dental clinic. However, our team in Grafton Dental believes in fluoride treatment for adults, and our treatments have seen the improvement of our patient’s overall dental health.

Let us set the record straight on why you, as an adult, should look for a dentist who can perform fluoride treatment near you.

Why Should You Go for A Fluoride Treatment?

Your teeth have gone through lots of wear and tear and mineral loss as an adult. So naturally, this makes your teeth thinner and more brittle. The good news is there is a way to reverse the effects of the aging process on your teeth. Thanks to fluoride treatment, it can make your teeth less susceptible to decay and cavities and stronger in general.

In addition, fluoride treatment is used to recover the lost minerals in your teeth. This is when the PH levels in your mouth have reduced, and therefore the acids in your mouth can ‘digest’ your dental enamel. This means your teeth do not have any protection from plaque and acids, leading to tooth decay and tooth sensitivity. Looking for a fluoride treatment in Pleasant Hill is advised to replenish the minerals in your teeth, fortifying the dental enamel.

If you have tooth decay, you might have tried over-the-counter treatment options. Nonetheless, these over-the-counter treatments might not be able to restore your teeth fully. This is where visiting the dentist near you for fluoride treatment is important. The dentist will be able to make your teeth stronger as the fluoride treatment has more than enough fluoride to reinstate the health of your teeth.

Tooth sensitivity can make you not enjoy eating and drinking your favorite drinks and foods. Tooth sensitivity results from the breaking down of dental enamel, leaving the dentin exposed. The dentin is the microscopic pathway to the nerve pulp, and when the nerves are exposed, your teeth become sensitive. Even so, with fluoride treatment, your dentist will be able to restore the dentin layer of your teeth and therefore reduce nerve sensitivity.

Aging not only makes your teeth susceptible to tooth decay but also are prone to becoming yellow. The dental enamel thins and the yellow dentin layer shows through as years go by. Nonetheless, fluoride treatment plays a big role in making your teeth whiter. This is through providing your teeth with the vital minerals that will reduce the thinning process.

Not every adult can keep with the dental hygiene standards that the dentist demands. For adults who have orthodontic braces and neglect daily oral hygiene, fluoride treatment can protect the teeth, replenish their teeth, and strengthen them.

What Happens During a Professional Fluoride Treatment?

The dentist near you will provide a professional fluoride treatment in foam, varnish, or gel forms. The fluoride is applied either in a mouthwash, tray, or swab.

One advantage of this treatment is that it has more fluoride than in your toothpaste and water. In addition, the treatment will only take a few minutes to apply, and therefore you can go back to work after this.

It is important to note that it is recommended not to eat thirty minutes after the treatment to ensure the full absorption of fluoride. Moreover, giving your dentist your full dental and health history is vital as it will help them give you the most suitable treatment for you.

How Much Fluoride Do You Need?

The American Dental Association recommends going for professional fluoride treatment every three, six, or twelve months. The frequency is dependent on your oral health. If you are susceptible to cavities, your dentist will recommend a gel or special fluoride for regular home use.

Other than fluoride treatment, there are some common sources of dietary fluoride. They include fish eaten with their bones, water, tea, crabs, potatoes, and shrimp.

It is vital to note that the optimal fluoride intake comes from supplements, water, and food, and fluoride treatment should not substitute these healthy foods. The recommended amount of fluoride for daily intake in adults is 1.5 to 4 mg.

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